Our Mission

We are in business to exceed our customer’s expectations by providing best-in-class hospitality, memorable experiences, and commitment to continuous improvement. W

Our Vision

To become the best plug in hospitality that provides guests a home away from work to work and relax

Hotel Policy

  • Room reservation is subject to availability.
  • Payment in other currencies will be at the Hotel’s prevailing Exchange Rates.
  • Upfront payment for accommodation is required for all booked room as a guarantee.
  • Rates are based upon double occupancy on Bed Only (BO) basis, extra guest attracts N5,000 (joiner).
  • Check in time is at 14:00hr while Check out is at 12:00hrs – Wake up calls available.
  • Reservation on individual bookings not cancelled before 12:00hrs  shall attract full payment. Cancellation on corporate client is as per contract terms.
  • Additional 50% on room rate is applicable for late check out. After which full rate applies. Early check-out (before 10:00hrs) attracts a gift.
  • Rates are exclusive of 7.5% Vat and 10% Service charge.
  • Personal bank cheques and travelers checks are NOT accepted.
  • Deposit your money, jewery and other valuables with management. Hotel is NOT liable for items lost in the rooms.
  • Food or Beverages brought from outside shall attract a corkage fee of 50% of our selling price.
  • NO-SMOKING in the hotel, violators are subject to a fine of N50,000. Anyone found smoking INDIAN HEMP or using HARD DRUGS will be fined N100,000.
  • Any DAMAGE to hotel property, whether accidental or willful, is the responsibility of the registered guest for each room. Ay costs associated with repairs and/or replacement will be charged to the amount of the registered guest. In extreme cases, criminal charges will be pursued.